RCHE Stands for Real's Cool Home Educators, created by Muslim mothers who love to have fun with their children while educating them in the comfort of their own homes. To find out more about RCHE please visit our webiste: http://www.rche.ca/about-2/
RCHE Spring Sprout contest is open to all homeschoolers in the GTA area. It is a unique opportunity for kids and families to participate in a tomato growing competition from your own homes.
Planting Day is April 15th
Details: Particiapnts will be given an opportunity to share their progress, pictures (of plant) and comments on this blog.
This will keep all "sprouter" connected. Educational links and resources will also be shared on the blog making it a fun learning experience for all Inshallah (God willing).
The plants will then be planted outdoors after a month on 15th May (or as announced closer to date)
Prizes will be given to three "sprouters" with the healthiest plant.
For any questions or to share your pictures and more, you can email to rchespringsprouts@gmail.com and we will update what you share on the blog for you.
So did your seeds sprout yet? Send in the pictures, I want to see.
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